2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
< ? php
include " lib/frontend.php " ;
$frontend = new frontend ();
'<!DOCTYPE html>' .
'<html lang="en">' .
'<head>' .
'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">' .
'<title>About</title>' .
'<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style.css">' .
'<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">' .
'<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">' .
'<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">' .
'<meta name="description" content="4get.ca: About">' .
'<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="4get" href="/opensearch.xml">' .
'</head>' .
'<body class="' . $frontend -> getthemeclass ( false ) . 'about">' ;
$left =
' < a href = " / " class = " link " >& lt ; Go back </ a >
< h1 > Set as default search engine </ h1 >
< a href = " #firefox " >< h2 id = " firefox " > On Firefox and other Gecko based browsers </ h2 ></ a >
To set this as your default search engine on Firefox , right click the URL bar and select < div class = " code-inline " > Add " 4get " </ div >. Then , visit < a href = " about:preferences#search " target = " _BLANK " class = " link " > about : preferences #search</a> and select <div class="code-inline">4get</div> in the dropdown menu.
< a href = " #chrome " >< h2 id = " chrome " > On Chromium and Blink based browsers </ h2 ></ a >
Right click the URL bar and click < div class = " code-inline " > Manage search engines and site search </ div > , or visit < a href = " chrome://settings/searchEngines " target = " _BLANK " class = " link " > chrome :// settings / searchEngines </ a >. Then , create a new entry under < div class = " code-inline " > Search engines </ div > and fill in the following details :
< table >
< tr >
< td >< b > Field </ b ></ td >
< td >< b > Value </ b ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Search engine </ td >
< td > 4 get </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Shortcut </ td >
< td > 4 get . ca </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > URL with % s in place of query </ td >
< td > https :// 4 get . ca / web ? q =% s </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
Once that\ ' s done , click < div class = " code-inline " > Save </ div >. Then , on the right handside of the newly created entry , open the dropdown menu and select < div class = " code-inline " > Make default </ div >.
< a href = " #other-browsers " >< h2 id = " other-browsers " > Other browsers </ h2 ></ a >
Get a real browser .
< h1 > Frequently asked questions </ h1 >
< a href = " #what-is-this " >< h2 id = " what-is-this " > What is this ? </ h2 ></ a >
This is a metasearch engine that gets results from other engines , and strips away all of the tracking parameters and Microsoft / globohomo bullshit they add . Most of the other alternatives to Google jack themselves off about being " " privacy respecting " " or whatever the fuck but it always turns out to be a total lie , and I just got fed up with their shit honestly . Alternatives like Searx or YaCy all fucking sucks so I made my own thing .
< a href = " #goal " >< h2 id = " goal " > My goal </ h2 ></ a >
Provide users with a privacy oriented , extremely lightweight , ad free , free as in freedom ( and free beer ! ) way to search for documents around the internet , with minimal , optional javascript code . My long term goal would be to build my own index ( that doesn\ ' t suck ) and provide users with an unbiased search engine , with no political inclinations .
< a href = " #logs " >< h2 id = " logs " > Do you keep logs ? </ h2 ></ a >
2023-07-27 23:06:49 -04:00
I store data temporarly to get the next page of results . This might include search queries , tokens and other parameters . These parameters are encrypted using < div class = " code-inline " > aes - 256 - gcm </ div > on the serber , for which I give you a key ( also known internally as < div class = " code-inline " > npt </ div > token ) . When you make a request to get the next page , you supply the token , the data is decrypted and the request is fulfilled . This encrypted data is deleted after 15 minutes , or after it\ ' s used , whichever comes first .< br >< br >
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
I < b > don\ ' t </ b > log IP addresses , user agents , or anything else . The < div class = " code-inline " > npt </ div > tokens are the only thing that are stored ( in RAM , mind you ), temporarly , encrypted .
< a href = " #information-sharing " >< h2 id = " information-sharing " > Do you share information with third parties ? </ h2 ></ a >
Your search queries and supplied filters are shared with the scraper you chose ( so I can get the search results , duh ) . I don\ ' t share anything else ( that means I don\ ' t share your IP address , location , or anything of this kind ) . There is no way that site can know you\ ' re the one searching for something , < u > unless you send out a search query that de - anonymises you .</ u > For example , a search query like " hello my full legal name is jonathan gallindo and i want pictures of cloacas " would definitively blow your cover . 4 get doesn\ ' t contain ads or any third party javascript applets or trackers . I don\ ' t profile you , and quite frankly , I don\ ' t give a shit about what you search on there .< br >< br >
TL ; DR assume those websites can see what you search for , but can\ ' t see who you are ( unless you\ ' re really dumb ) .
< a href = " #hosting " >< h2 id = " hosting " > Where is this website hosted ? </ h2 ></ a >
This website is hosted on a Contabo shitbox in the United States .
< a href = " #keyboard-shortcuts " >< h2 id = " keyboard-shortcuts " > Keyboard shortcuts ? </ h2 ></ a >
Use < div class = " code-inline " >/</ div > to focus the search box .< br >< br >
When the image viewer is open , you can use the following keybinds :< br >
< div class = " code-inline " > Up </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > Down </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > Left </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > Right </ div > to rotate the image .< br >
< div class = " code-inline " > CTRL + Up </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > CTRL + Down </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > CTRL + Left </ div > , < div class = " code-inline " > CTRL + Right </ div > to mirror the image .< br >
< div class = " code-inline " > Escape </ div > to exit the image viewer .
< a href = " #instances " >< h2 id = " instances " > Instances </ h2 ></ a >
4 get is open source , anyone can create their own 4 get instance ! If you wish to add your website to this list , please < a href = " https://lolcat.ca/contact " > contact me </ a >.
< table >
< tr >
< td > Name </ td >
< td > Address </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 4 get </ td >
< td >< a href = " https://4get.ca " > 4 get . ca </ a >< a href = " http://4getwebfrq5zr4sxugk6htxvawqehxtdgjrbcn2oslllcol2vepa23yd.onion/ " > ( tor ) </ a ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< a href = " #schizo " >< h2 id = " schizo " > How can I trust you ? </ h2 ></ a >
You just sort of have to take my word for it right now . If you\ ' d rather trust yourself instead of me ( I believe in you !! ), all of the code on this website is available trough my < a href = " https://git.lolcat.ca/lolcat " class = " link " > git page </ a > for you to host on your own machines . Just a reminder : if you\ ' re the sole user of your instance , it doesn\ ' t take immense brain power for Microshit to figure out you basically just switched IP addresses . Invite your friends to use your instance !
< a href = " #contact " >< h2 id = " contact " > I want to report abuse or have erotic roleplay trough email </ h2 ></ a >
I don\ ' t know about that second part but if you want to talk to me , just drop me an email ...< br >< br >
< b > Message to all DMCA enforcers :</ b > I don\ ' t host any of the content . Everything you see here is < u > proxied </ u > trough my shitbox with no moderation . Please reach out to the people hosting the infringing content instead .< br >< br >
< a href = " https://lolcat.ca/contact " rel = " dofollow " class = " link " > Click here to contact me !</ a >< br >< br >
< a href = " https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2F4get.ca " title = " W3 Valid! " >
< img src = " /static/icon/w3html.png " alt = " Valid W3C HTML 4.01 " width = " 88 " height = " 31 " >
</ a > ' ;
// trim out whitespace
$left = explode ( " \n " , $left );
$out = " " ;
foreach ( $left as $line ){
$out .= trim ( $line );
$frontend -> load (
" search.html " ,
" class " => " " ,
" right-left " => " " ,
" right-right " => " " ,
" left " => $out