2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
< ? php
class frontend {
public function load ( $template , $replacements = []){
$handle = fopen ( " template/ { $template } " , " r " );
$data = fread ( $handle , filesize ( " template/ { $template } " ));
fclose ( $handle );
$data = explode ( " \n " , $data );
$html = " " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $data ); $i ++ ){
$html .= trim ( $data [ $i ]);
foreach ( $replacements as $key => $value ){
$html =
str_replace (
" { % { $key } %} " ,
$value ,
return trim ( $html );
public function getthemeclass ( $raw = true ){
if (
isset ( $_COOKIE [ " theme " ]) &&
$_COOKIE [ " theme " ] == " cream "
$body_class = " theme-white " ;
} else {
$body_class = " " ;
if (
$raw &&
$body_class != " "
return ' class="' . rtrim ( $body_class ) . '"' ;
return $body_class ;
public function loadheader ( array $get , array $filters , string $page ){
$this -> load ( " header.html " , [
" title " => trim ( $get [ " s " ] . " ( { $page } ) " ),
" description " => ucfirst ( $page ) . ' search results for "' . htmlspecialchars ( $get [ " s " ]) . '"' ,
" index " => " no " ,
" search " => htmlspecialchars ( $get [ " s " ]),
" tabs " => $this -> generatehtmltabs ( $page , $get [ " s " ]),
" filters " => $this -> generatehtmlfilters ( $filters , $get ),
" body_class " => $this -> getthemeclass ()
if (
preg_match (
'/bot|wget|curl|python-requests|scrapy|feedfetcher|go-http-client|ruby|universalfeedparser|yahoo\! slurp|spider|rss/i' ,
// bot detected !!
$this -> drawerror (
" Tshh, blocked! " ,
'You were blocked from viewing this page. If you wish to scrape data from 4get, please consider running <a href="https://git.lolcat.ca/lolcat/4get" rel="noreferrer nofollow">your own 4get instance</a> or using <a href="/api.txt">the API</a>.' ,
die ();
public function drawerror ( $title , $error ){
$this -> load ( " search.html " , [
" class " => " " ,
" right-left " => " " ,
" right-right " => " " ,
" left " =>
'<div class="infobox">' .
'<h1>' . htmlspecialchars ( $title ) . '</h1>' .
$error .
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
public function drawtextresult ( $site , $greentext = null , $duration = null , $keywords , $tabindex = true , $customhtml = null ){
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
$payload =
'<div class="text-result">' ;
// add favicon, link and archive links
$payload .= $this -> drawlink ( $site [ " url " ]);
Draw title + description + filetype
$payload .=
'<a href="' . htmlspecialchars ( $site [ " url " ]) . '" class="hover" rel="noreferrer nofollow"' ;
if ( $tabindex === false ){
$payload .= ' tabindex="-1"' ;
$payload .= '>' ;
if ( $site [ " thumb " ][ " url " ] !== null ){
$payload .=
'<div class="thumb-wrap' ;
switch ( $site [ " thumb " ][ " ratio " ]){
case " 16:9 " :
$size = " landscape " ;
break ;
case " 9:16 " :
$payload .= " portrait " ;
$size = " portrait " ;
break ;
case " 1:1 " :
$payload .= " square " ;
$size = " square " ;
break ;
$payload .=
'">' .
2023-07-26 19:03:06 -04:00
'<img class="thumb" src="' . $this -> htmlimage ( $site [ " thumb " ][ " url " ], $size ) . '" alt="thumb">' ;
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
if ( $duration !== null ){
$payload .=
'<div class="duration">' .
htmlspecialchars ( $duration ) .
'</div>' ;
$payload .=
'</div>' ;
$payload .=
'<div class="title">' ;
if (
isset ( $site [ " type " ]) &&
$site [ " type " ] != " web "
$payload .= '<div class="type">' . strtoupper ( $site [ " type " ]) . '</div>' ;
$payload .=
2023-08-10 22:54:37 -04:00
$this -> highlighttext ( $keywords , $site [ " title " ]) .
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
'</div>' ;
if ( $greentext !== null ){
$payload .=
'<div class="greentext">' .
htmlspecialchars ( $greentext ) .
'</div>' ;
if ( $site [ " description " ] !== null ){
$payload .=
'<div class="description">' .
$this -> highlighttext ( $keywords , $site [ " description " ]) .
'</div>' ;
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
$payload .= $customhtml ;
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
$payload .= '</a>' ;
if (
isset ( $site [ " sublink " ]) &&
! empty ( $site [ " sublink " ])
usort ( $site [ " sublink " ], function ( $a , $b ){
return strlen ( $a [ " description " ]) > strlen ( $b [ " description " ]);
$payload .=
'<div class="sublinks">' .
'<table>' ;
$opentr = false ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $site [ " sublink " ]); $i ++ ){
if (( $i % 2 ) === 0 ){
$opentr = true ;
$payload .= '<tr>' ;
} else {
$opentr = false ;
$payload .=
'<td>' .
'<a href="' . htmlspecialchars ( $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " url " ]) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow">' .
'<div class="title">' .
htmlspecialchars ( $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " title " ]) .
'</div>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " date " ])){
$payload .=
'<div class="greentext">' .
date ( " jS M y @ g:ia " , $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " date " ]) .
'</div>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " description " ])){
$payload .=
'<div class="description">' .
$this -> highlighttext ( $keywords , $site [ " sublink " ][ $i ][ " description " ]) .
'</div>' ;
$payload .= '</a></td>' ;
if ( $opentr === false ){
$payload .= '</tr>' ;
if ( $opentr === true ){
$payload .= '<td></td></tr>' ;
$payload .= '</table></div>' ;
if (
isset ( $site [ " table " ]) &&
! empty ( $site [ " table " ])
$payload .= '<table class="info-table">' ;
foreach ( $site [ " table " ] as $title => $value ){
$payload .=
'<tr>' .
'<td>' . htmlspecialchars ( $title ) . '</td>' .
'<td>' . htmlspecialchars ( $value ) . '</td>' .
'</tr>' ;
$payload .= '</table>' ;
return $payload . '</div>' ;
public function highlighttext ( $keywords , $text ){
$text = htmlspecialchars ( $text );
$keywords = explode ( " " , $keywords );
$regex = [];
foreach ( $keywords as $word ){
$regex [] = " \ b " . preg_quote ( $word , " / " ) . " \ b " ;
$regex = " / " . implode ( " | " , $regex ) . " /i " ;
preg_replace (
$regex ,
'<b>${0}</b>' ,
function highlightcode ( $text ){
// https://www.php.net/highlight_string
ini_set ( " highlight.comment " , " c-comment " );
ini_set ( " highlight.default " , " c-default " );
ini_set ( " highlight.html " , " c-default " );
ini_set ( " highlight.keyword " , " c-keyword " );
ini_set ( " highlight.string " , " c-string " );
$text =
trim (
preg_replace (
'/<\/span>$/' ,
" " , // remove stray ending span because of the <?php stuff
str_replace (
'<br />' ,
' '
" \n " , // replace <br> with newlines
" " // replace html entity to space
str_replace (
// leading <?php garbage
" <span style= \" color: c-default \" > \n <?php " ,
" <code> " ,
" </code> "
" " ,
highlight_string ( " <?php " . $text , true )
// replace colors
$classes = [ " c-comment " , " c-default " , " c-keyword " , " c-string " ];
foreach ( $classes as $class ){
$text = str_replace ( '<span style="color: ' . $class . '">' , '<span class="' . $class . '">' , $text );
return $text ;
public function drawlink ( $link ){
Add favicon
$host = parse_url ( $link );
$esc =
explode (
" . " ,
$host [ " host " ],
if (
count ( $esc ) === 2 &&
$esc [ 0 ] == " www "
$esc = $esc [ 1 ];
} else {
$esc = $esc [ 0 ];
$esc = substr ( $esc , 0 , 2 );
$urlencode = urlencode ( $link );
$payload =
'<div class="url">' .
'<button class="favicon" tabindex="-1">' .
'<img src="/favicon?s=' . htmlspecialchars ( $host [ " scheme " ] . " :// " . $host [ " host " ]) . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars ( $esc ) . '">' .
//'<img src="/404.php" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($esc) . '">' .
'</button>' .
'<div class="favicon-dropdown">' ;
Add archive links
if (
$host [ " host " ] == " boards.4chan.org " ||
$host [ " host " ] == " boards.4channel.org "
$archives = [];
$path = explode ( " / " , $host [ " path " ]);
$count = count ( $path );
// /pol/thread/417568063/post-shitty-memes-if-you-want-to
if ( $count !== 0 ){
$isboard = true ;
switch ( $path [ 1 ]){
case " con " :
break ;
case " q " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " qa " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " qb " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " trash " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " a " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " c " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " w " :
break ;
case " m " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " cgl " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " cm " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
break ;
case " f " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " n " :
break ;
case " jp " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " vt " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " v " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vg " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vm " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vmg " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vp " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vr " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " vrpg " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " vst " :
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " co " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " g " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " tv " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " k " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " o " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " an " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " tg " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " sp " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " xs " :
$archives [] = " eientei.xyz " ;
break ;
case " pw " :
break ;
case " sci " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
$archives [] = " eientei.xyz " ;
break ;
case " his " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " int " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " out " :
break ;
case " toy " :
break ;
case " i " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
$archives [] = " eientei.xyz " ;
break ;
case " po " :
break ;
case " p " :
break ;
case " ck " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " ic " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " wg " :
break ;
case " lit " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " mu " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " fa " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " 3 " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
$archives [] = " eientei.xyz " ;
break ;
case " gd " :
break ;
case " diy " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " wsg " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " qst " :
break ;
case " biz " :
$archives [] = " warosu.org " ;
break ;
case " trv " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " fit " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " x " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " adv " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " lgbt " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " mlp " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
$archives [] = " arch.b4k.co " ;
break ;
case " news " :
break ;
case " wsr " :
break ;
case " vip " :
break ;
case " b " :
$archives [] = " thebarchive.com " ;
break ;
case " r9k " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " pol " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " bant " :
$archives [] = " thebarchive.com " ;
break ;
case " soc " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " s4s " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " s " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " hc " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " hm " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " h " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " e " :
break ;
case " u " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " d " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " y " :
$archives [] = " boards.fireden.net " ;
break ;
case " t " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
case " hr " :
$archives [] = " archive.4plebs.org " ;
break ;
case " gif " :
break ;
case " aco " :
$archives [] = " desuarchive.org " ;
break ;
case " r " :
$archives [] = " archiveofsins.com " ;
break ;
default :
$isboard = false ;
break ;
if ( $isboard === true ){
$archives [] = " archived.moe " ;
$trail = " " ;
if (
isset ( $path [ 2 ]) &&
isset ( $path [ 3 ]) &&
$path [ 2 ] == " thread "
$trail .= " / " . $path [ 1 ] . " /thread/ " . $path [ 3 ];
} elseif ( $isboard ){
$trail = " / " . $path [ 1 ] . " / " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $archives ); $i ++ ){
$payload .=
'<a href="https://' . $archives [ $i ] . $trail . '" class="list" target="_BLANK">' .
'<img src="/favicon?s=https://' . $archives [ $i ] . '" alt="' . $archives [ $i ][ 0 ] . $archives [ $i ][ 1 ] . '">' .
$archives [ $i ] .
'</a>' ;
$payload .=
'<a href="https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:' . $urlencode . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://google.com" alt="go">Google cache</a>' .
'<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/' . $urlencode . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://archive.org" alt="ar">Archive.org</a>' .
'<a href="https://archive.is/newest/' . htmlspecialchars ( $link ) . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://archive.is" alt="ar">Archive.is</a>' .
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
'<a href="https://ghostarchive.org/search?term=' . $urlencode . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://ghostarchive.org" alt="gh">Ghostarchive</a>' .
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
'<a href="https://www.bing.com/search?q=url%3A' . $urlencode . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://bing.com" alt="bi">Bing cache</a>' .
'<a href="https://megalodon.jp/?url=' . $urlencode . '" class="list" target="_BLANK"><img src="/favicon?s=https://megalodon.jp" alt="me">Megalodon</a>' .
'</div>' ;
Draw link
$parts = explode ( " / " , $link );
$clickurl = " " ;
// remove trailing /
$c = count ( $parts ) - 1 ;
if ( $parts [ $c ] == " " ){
$parts [ $c - 1 ] = $parts [ $c - 1 ] . " / " ;
unset ( $parts [ $c ]);
// merge https://site together
$parts = [
$parts [ 0 ] . $parts [ 1 ] . '//' . $parts [ 2 ],
... array_slice ( $parts , 3 , count ( $parts ) - 1 )
$c = count ( $parts );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $c ; $i ++ ){
if ( $i !== 0 ){ $clickurl .= " / " ; }
$clickurl .= $parts [ $i ];
if ( $i === $c - 1 ){
$parts [ $i ] = rtrim ( $parts [ $i ], " / " );
$payload .=
'<a class="part" href="' . htmlspecialchars ( $clickurl ) . '" rel="noreferrer nofollow" tabindex="-1">' .
htmlspecialchars ( urldecode ( $parts [ $i ])) .
'</a>' ;
if ( $i !== $c - 1 ){
$payload .= '<span class="separator"></span>' ;
return $payload . '</div>' ;
public function getscraperfilters ( $page ){
$get_scraper = null ;
switch ( $page ){
case " web " :
$get_scraper = isset ( $_COOKIE [ " scraper_web " ]) ? $_COOKIE [ " scraper_web " ] : null ;
break ;
case " images " :
$get_scraper = isset ( $_COOKIE [ " scraper_images " ]) ? $_COOKIE [ " scraper_images " ] : null ;
break ;
case " videos " :
$get_scraper = isset ( $_COOKIE [ " scraper_videos " ]) ? $_COOKIE [ " scraper_videos " ] : null ;
break ;
case " news " :
$get_scraper = isset ( $_COOKIE [ " scraper_news " ]) ? $_COOKIE [ " scraper_news " ] : null ;
break ;
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
case " music " :
$get_scraper = isset ( $_COOKIE [ " scraper_news " ]) ? $_COOKIE [ " scraper_news " ] : null ;
break ;
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
if (
isset ( $_GET [ " scraper " ]) &&
is_string ( $_GET [ " scraper " ])
$get_scraper = $_GET [ " scraper " ];
} else {
if (
isset ( $_GET [ " npt " ]) &&
is_string ( $_GET [ " npt " ])
$get_scraper = explode ( " . " , $_GET [ " npt " ], 2 )[ 0 ];
$get_scraper =
preg_replace (
'/[0-9]+$/' ,
" " ,
// add search field
$filters =
" s " => [
" option " => " _SEARCH "
// define default scrapers
switch ( $page ){
case " web " :
$filters [ " scraper " ] = [
" display " => " Scraper " ,
" option " => [
" ddg " => " DuckDuckGo " ,
2023-08-13 23:47:28 -04:00
" brave " => " Brave " ,
2023-08-27 01:45:59 -04:00
" yandex " => " Yandex " ,
2023-08-13 23:47:28 -04:00
//"google" => "Google",
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
" mojeek " => " Mojeek " ,
" marginalia " => " Marginalia " ,
" wiby " => " wiby "
break ;
case " images " :
$filters [ " scraper " ] = [
" display " => " Scraper " ,
" option " => [
" ddg " => " DuckDuckGo " ,
" yandex " => " Yandex " ,
2023-08-13 23:35:08 -04:00
" brave " => " Brave " ,
" google " => " Google "
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
break ;
case " videos " :
$filters [ " scraper " ] = [
" display " => " Scraper " ,
" option " => [
" yt " => " YouTube " ,
2023-08-27 01:45:59 -04:00
//"fb" => "Facebook videos",
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
" ddg " => " DuckDuckGo " ,
2023-08-27 01:45:59 -04:00
" brave " => " Brave " ,
" yandex " => " Yandex "
2023-07-27 23:06:49 -04:00
//"google" => "Google"
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
break ;
case " news " :
$filters [ " scraper " ] = [
" display " => " Scraper " ,
" option " => [
" ddg " => " DuckDuckGo " ,
" brave " => " Brave " ,
2023-07-27 23:06:49 -04:00
//"google" => "Google",
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
" mojeek " => " Mojeek "
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
case " music " :
$filters [ " scraper " ] = [
" display " => " Scraper " ,
" option " => [
" sc " => " SoundCloud "
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
break ;
// get scraper name from user input, or default out to preferred scraper
$scraper_out = null ;
$first = true ;
foreach ( $filters [ " scraper " ][ " option " ] as $scraper_name => $scraper_pretty ){
if ( $first === true ){
$first = $scraper_name ;
if ( $scraper_name == $get_scraper ){
$scraper_out = $scraper_name ;
if ( $scraper_out === null ){
$scraper_out = $first ;
switch ( $scraper_out ){
case " ddg " :
include " scraper/ddg.php " ;
$lib = new ddg ();
break ;
case " brave " :
include " scraper/brave.php " ;
$lib = new brave ();
break ;
case " yt " ;
include " scraper/youtube.php " ;
$lib = new youtube ();
break ;
case " yandex " :
include " scraper/yandex.php " ;
$lib = new yandex ();
break ;
case " google " :
include " scraper/google.php " ;
$lib = new google ();
break ;
2023-08-27 01:45:59 -04:00
2023-08-10 22:54:37 -04:00
case " fb " :
include " scraper/facebook.php " ;
$lib = new facebook ();
2023-08-27 01:45:59 -04:00
break ; */
2023-08-10 22:54:37 -04:00
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
case " mojeek " :
include " scraper/mojeek.php " ;
$lib = new mojeek ();
break ;
case " marginalia " :
include " scraper/marginalia.php " ;
$lib = new marginalia ();
break ;
case " wiby " :
include " scraper/wiby.php " ;
$lib = new wiby ();
break ;
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
case " sc " :
include " scraper/sc.php " ;
$lib = new sc ();
break ;
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
// set scraper on $_GET
$_GET [ " scraper " ] = $scraper_out ;
// set nsfw on $_GET
if (
isset ( $_COOKIE [ " nsfw " ]) &&
! isset ( $_GET [ " nsfw " ])
$_GET [ " nsfw " ] = $_COOKIE [ " nsfw " ];
$lib ,
array_merge_recursive (
$filters ,
$lib -> getfilters ( $page )
public function parsegetfilters ( $parameters , $whitelist ){
$sanitized = [];
// add npt token
if (
isset ( $parameters [ " npt " ]) &&
is_string ( $parameters [ " npt " ])
$sanitized [ " npt " ] = $parameters [ " npt " ];
} else {
$sanitized [ " npt " ] = false ;
// we're iterating over $whitelist, so
// you can't polluate $sanitized with useless
// parameters
foreach ( $whitelist as $parameter => $value ){
if ( isset ( $parameters [ $parameter ])){
if ( ! is_string ( $parameters [ $parameter ])){
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = null ;
continue ;
// parameter is already set, use that value
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = $parameters [ $parameter ];
} else {
// parameter is not set, add it
if ( is_string ( $value [ " option " ])){
// special field: set default value manually
switch ( $value [ " option " ]){
case " _DATE " :
// no date set
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = false ;
break ;
case " _SEARCH " :
// no search set
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = " " ;
break ;
} else {
// set a default value
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = array_keys ( $value [ " option " ])[ 0 ];
// sanitize input
if ( is_array ( $value [ " option " ])){
if (
! in_array (
$sanitized [ $parameter ],
$keys = array_keys ( $value [ " option " ])
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = $keys [ 0 ];
} else {
// sanitize search & string
switch ( $value [ " option " ]){
case " _DATE " :
if ( $sanitized [ $parameter ] !== false ){
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = strtotime ( $sanitized [ $parameter ]);
if ( $sanitized [ $parameter ] <= 0 ){
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = false ;
break ;
case " _SEARCH " :
// get search string & bang
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = trim ( $sanitized [ $parameter ]);
$sanitized [ " bang " ] = " " ;
if (
strlen ( $sanitized [ $parameter ]) !== 0 &&
$sanitized [ $parameter ][ 0 ] == " ! "
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = explode ( " " , $sanitized [ $parameter ], 2 );
$sanitized [ " bang " ] = trim ( $sanitized [ $parameter ][ 0 ]);
if ( count ( $sanitized [ $parameter ]) === 2 ){
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = trim ( $sanitized [ $parameter ][ 1 ]);
} else {
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = " " ;
$sanitized [ " bang " ] = ltrim ( $sanitized [ " bang " ], " ! " );
$sanitized [ $parameter ] = ltrim ( $sanitized [ $parameter ], " ! \n \r \t \ v \x00 " );
// invert dates if needed
if (
isset ( $sanitized [ " older " ]) &&
isset ( $sanitized [ " newer " ]) &&
$sanitized [ " newer " ] !== false &&
$sanitized [ " older " ] !== false &&
$sanitized [ " newer " ] > $sanitized [ " older " ]
// invert
$sanitized [ " older " ],
$sanitized [ " newer " ]
] = [
$sanitized [ " newer " ],
$sanitized [ " older " ]
return $sanitized ;
public function s_to_timestamp ( $seconds ){
if ( is_string ( $seconds )){
return " LIVE " ;
return ( $seconds >= 60 ) ? ltrim ( gmdate ( " H:i:s " , $seconds ), " :0 " ) : gmdate ( " 0:s " , $seconds );
public function generatehtmltabs ( $page , $query ){
$html = null ;
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
foreach ([ " web " , " images " , " videos " , " news " , " music " ] as $type ){
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
$html .= '<a href="/' . $type . '?s=' . urlencode ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $params )){
$html .= $params ;
$html .= '" class="tab' ;
if ( $type == $page ){
$html .= ' selected' ;
$html .= '">' . ucfirst ( $type ) . '</a>' ;
return $html ;
public function generatehtmlfilters ( $filters , $params ){
$html = null ;
foreach ( $filters as $filter_name => $filter_values ){
if ( ! isset ( $filter_values [ " display " ])){
continue ;
$output = true ;
$tmp =
'<div class="filter">' .
'<div class="title">' . htmlspecialchars ( $filter_values [ " display " ]) . '</div>' ;
if ( is_array ( $filter_values [ " option " ])){
$tmp .= '<select name="' . $filter_name . '">' ;
foreach ( $filter_values [ " option " ] as $option_name => $option_title ){
$tmp .= '<option value="' . $option_name . '"' ;
if ( $params [ $filter_name ] == $option_name ){
$tmp .= ' selected' ;
$tmp .= '>' . htmlspecialchars ( $option_title ) . '</option>' ;
$tmp .= '</select>' ;
} else {
switch ( $filter_values [ " option " ]){
case " _DATE " :
$tmp .= '<input type="date" name="' . $filter_name . '"' ;
if ( $params [ $filter_name ] !== false ){
$tmp .= ' value="' . date ( " Y-m-d " , $params [ $filter_name ]) . '"' ;
$tmp .= '>' ;
break ;
default :
$output = false ;
break ;
$tmp .= '</div>' ;
if ( $output === true ){
$html .= $tmp ;
return $html ;
public function buildquery ( $gets , $ommit = false ){
$out = [];
foreach ( $gets as $key => $value ){
if (
$value == null ||
$value == false ||
$key == " npt " ||
$key == " extendedsearch " ||
$value == " any " ||
$value == " all " ||
$ommit === true &&
$key == " s "
continue ;
2023-08-10 22:54:37 -04:00
if (
$key == " older " ||
$key == " newer "
$value = date ( " Y-m-d " , ( int ) $value );
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
$out [ $key ] = $value ;
return http_build_query ( $out );
2023-07-26 19:03:06 -04:00
public function htmlimage ( $image , $format ){
if (
preg_match (
'/^data:/' ,
return htmlspecialchars ( $image );
2023-09-03 22:41:44 -04:00
return " /proxy.php?i= " . urlencode ( $image ) . " &s= " . $format ;
2023-07-26 19:03:06 -04:00
2023-07-22 14:41:14 -04:00
public function htmlnextpage ( $gets , $npt , $page ){
$query = $this -> buildquery ( $gets );
return $page . " ? " . $query . " &npt= " . $npt ;