h2.heading.heading__secondary.privacy__item-heading Data stored in your browser
p.privacy__item-text To remember theme preferences, the website stores a key named 'theme' in Local Storage provided by your browser. Apart from that, there is nothing stored in your browser. To remove the key, press F12 > Storage(or Application in chromium-based browsers) > Local Storage > right click > Delete.
p.privacy__item-text To permamently disable libremdb from storing your theme prefrences, either turn off JavaScript or disable access to Local Storage for libremdb.
h2.heading.heading__secondary.privacy__item-heading Data collected by other services
p.privacy__item-text libremdb connects to 'm.media-amazon.com' for fetching images. So, Amazon might log your IP address. If you use the official instance which is deployed on Heroku, then Heroku might also log you IP address. You're advised to follow due precaution.