p.faq__answer Yes, it is! I don't think a website that shows you some quick info of something needs to be overly fancy.
summary.faq__question This website is slow.
p.faq__answer Whenever you request info about a movie/show on libremdb, 4 trips are made(2 between your browser and libremdb's server, and 2 between libremdb's server and IMDb's server) instead of the usual 2 trips when you visit a website. For this reason there's a noticable delay. This is a bit of inconvenience you'll have to face should you wish to use this website.
summary.faq__question It doesn't have all routes.
p.faq__answer I think most of the people just check IMDb to get a quick glimpse of a movie/show. That's why there is just one route for now. However, I will try to implement other important routes if time allows. More info on
p.faq__answer For now, images are directly served from amazon. If I have enough time in the future, I'll implement a way to serve the images from libremdb instead.
summary.faq__question Will amazon track me then?
p.faq__answer They may log your IP address. I'd recommend using a VPN for mitigating this risk.
summary.faq__question Why not just use IMDb?
p.faq__answer Refer to the
a.faq__link(href='#features') features section
| above.
summary.faq__question Why didn't you use other databases like
p.faq__answer IMDb simply has superior dataset compared to all other alternatives. With that being said, I'd encourage you to check out those alternatives too.
summary.faq__question Your website name is very, ehm, lame.
p.faq__answer Let's just say I'm not very good at naming things.
summary.faq__question I have some ideas/want to contribute, how do I contact you?
p.faq__answer Here are a couple of ways to
a.faq__link(href="/contact") reach me
|. Send your beautiful suggestions or just drop a hi.