zyachel 0aea2f47da fix(error): fix incorrect 'view on IMDb' link on error page
the error was due to a faulty logic. 'useRouter' was being used to detect pathname, which doesn't
keep original url on 404 page.
this commit fixes that.
this commit also makes it easy to go to
IMDb by adding a clear link on error page.

closes https://github.com/zyachel/libremdb/issues/50
2023-06-03 22:12:54 +05:30

102 lines
3.3 KiB

import { GetServerSideProps, InferGetServerSidePropsType } from 'next';
import Meta from 'src/components/meta/Meta';
import Layout from 'src/layouts/Layout';
import ErrorInfo from 'src/components/error/ErrorInfo';
import Media from 'src/components/media/Media';
import { Basic, Cast, DidYouKnow, Info, MoreLikeThis, Reviews } from 'src/components/title';
import Title from 'src/interfaces/shared/title';
import { AppError } from 'src/interfaces/shared/error';
import getOrSetApiCache from 'src/utils/getOrSetApiCache';
import title from 'src/utils/fetchers/title';
import { getProxiedIMDbImgUrl } from 'src/utils/helpers';
import { titleKey } from 'src/utils/constants/keys';
import styles from 'src/styles/modules/pages/title/title.module.scss';
type Props = InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>;
// TO-DO: make a wrapper page component to display errors, if present in props
const TitleInfo = ({ data, error, originalPath }: Props) => {
if (error) return <ErrorInfo {...error} originalPath={originalPath} />;
const info = {
meta: data.meta,
keywords: data.keywords,
details: data.details,
boxOffice: data.boxOffice,
technicalSpecs: data.technicalSpecs,
accolades: data.accolades,
return (
title={`${data.basic.title} (${data.basic.releaseYear?.start || data.basic.type.name})`}
description={data.basic.plot ?? undefined}
imgUrl={data.basic.poster?.url && getProxiedIMDbImgUrl(data.basic.poster.url)}
<Layout className={styles.title} originalPath={originalPath}>
<Basic data={data.basic} className={styles.basic} />
<Media className={styles.media} media={data.media} />
<Cast className={styles.cast} cast={data.cast} />
<div className={styles.textarea}>
<DidYouKnow data={data.didYouKnow} />
<Reviews reviews={data.reviews} />
<Info className={styles.infoarea} info={info} />
<MoreLikeThis className={styles.related} data={data.moreLikeThis} />
// TO-DO: make a getServerSideProps wrapper for handling errors
type Data = ({ data: Title; error: null } | { error: AppError; data: null }) & {
originalPath: string;
type Params = { titleId: string };
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<Data, Params> = async ctx => {
const titleId = ctx.params!.titleId;
const originalPath = ctx.resolvedUrl;
try {
const data = await getOrSetApiCache(titleKey(titleId), title, titleId);
return { props: { data, error: null, originalPath } };
} catch (error: any) {
const { message, statusCode } = error;
ctx.res.statusCode = statusCode;
ctx.res.statusMessage = message;
return { props: { error: { message, statusCode }, data: null, originalPath } };
export default TitleInfo;
// could've used getStaticProps instead of getServerSideProps, but meh.
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ctx => {
const titleId = ctx.params!.titleId as string;
try {
const data = await title(titleId);
return {
props: { data, error: null },
revalidate: 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
} catch (error) {
// console.log(error);
return { notFound: true };
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = () => {
return {
paths: [{ params: { titleId: 'tt0133093' } }],
fallback: 'blocking',