import strutils, sequtils import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles] import renderutils import ".."/[types, utils, formatters] proc renderHeader(tweet: Tweet): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv): if tweet.retweet.isSome: tdiv(class="retweet"): span: icon "retweet", get(tweet.retweet).by & " retweeted" if tweet.pinned: tdiv(class="pinned"): span: icon "pin", "Pinned Tweet" tdiv(class="tweet-header"): a(class="tweet-avatar", href=("/" & tweet.profile.username)): genImg(tweet.profile.getUserpic("_bigger"), class="avatar") tdiv(class="tweet-name-row"): tdiv(class="fullname-and-username"): linkUser(tweet.profile, class="fullname") linkUser(tweet.profile, class="username") span(class="tweet-date"): a(href=getLink(tweet), title=tweet.getTime()): text tweet.shortTime proc renderAlbum(tweet: Tweet): VNode = let groups = if < 3: @[] else: if groups.len == 1 and groups[0].len == 1: buildHtml(tdiv(class="single-image")): tdiv(class="attachments gallery-row"): a(href=getPicUrl(groups[0][0] & "?name=orig"), class="still-image", target="_blank"): genImg(groups[0][0]) else: buildHtml(tdiv(class="attachments")): for i, photos in groups: let margin = if i > 0: ".25em" else: "" let flex = if photos.len > 1 or groups.len > 1: "flex" else: "block" tdiv(class="gallery-row", style={marginTop: margin}): for photo in photos: tdiv(class="attachment image"): a(href=getPicUrl(photo & "?name=orig"), class="still-image", target="_blank", style={display: flex}): genImg(photo) proc isPlaybackEnabled(prefs: Prefs; video: Video): bool = case video.playbackType of mp4: prefs.mp4Playback of m3u8, vmap: prefs.hlsPlayback proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video; path: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv): img(src=getPicUrl(video.thumb)) tdiv(class="video-overlay"): case video.playbackType of mp4: p: text "mp4 playback disabled in preferences" of m3u8, vmap: buttonReferer "/enablehls", "Enable hls playback", path proc renderVideoUnavailable(video: Video): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv): img(src=getPicUrl(video.thumb)) tdiv(class="video-overlay"): case video.reason of "dmcaed": p: text "This media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner" else: p: text "This media is unavailable" proc renderVideo(video: Video; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="attachments")): tdiv(class="gallery-video"): tdiv(class="attachment video-container"): let thumb = getPicUrl(video.thumb) if not video.available: renderVideoUnavailable(video) elif not prefs.isPlaybackEnabled(video): renderVideoDisabled(video, path) else: let source = getVidUrl(video.url) case video.playbackType of mp4: if prefs.muteVideos: video(poster=thumb, controls="", muted=""): source(src=source, `type`="video/mp4") else: video(poster=thumb, controls=""): source(src=source, `type`="video/mp4") of m3u8, vmap: video(poster=thumb, data-url=source, data-autoload="false") verbatim "
" proc renderGif(gif: Gif; prefs: Prefs): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="attachments media-gif")): tdiv(class="gallery-gif", style=style(maxHeight, "unset")): tdiv(class="attachment"): let thumb = getPicUrl(gif.thumb) let url = getGifUrl(gif.url) if prefs.autoplayGifs: video(class="gif", poster=thumb, autoplay="", muted="", loop=""): source(src=url, `type`="video/mp4") else: video(class="gif", poster=thumb, controls="", muted="", loop=""): source(src=url, `type`="video/mp4") proc renderPoll(poll: Poll): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="poll")): for i in 0 ..< poll.options.len: let leader = if poll.leader == i: " leader" else: "" let perc = $poll.values[i] & "%" tdiv(class=("poll-meter" & leader)): span(class="poll-choice-bar", style=style(width, perc)) span(class="poll-choice-value"): text perc span(class="poll-choice-option"): text poll.options[i] span(class="poll-info"): text $poll.votes & " votes • " & poll.status proc renderCardImage(card: Card): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="card-image-container")): tdiv(class="card-image"): img(src=getPicUrl(get(card.image))) if card.kind == player: tdiv(class="card-overlay"): tdiv(class="overlay-circle"): span(class="overlay-triangle") proc renderCardContent(card: Card): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="card-content")): h2(class="card-title"): text card.title p(class="card-description"): text card.text span(class="card-destination"): text card.dest proc renderCard(card: Card; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode = const largeCards = {summaryLarge, liveEvent, promoWebsite, promoVideo} let large = if card.kind in largeCards: " large" else: "" let url = replaceUrl(card.url, prefs) buildHtml(tdiv(class=("card" & large))): if tdiv(class="card-container"): renderVideo(get(, prefs, path) a(class="card-content-container", href=url): renderCardContent(card) else: a(class="card-container", href=url): if card.image.isSome: renderCardImage(card) tdiv(class="card-content-container"): renderCardContent(card) proc renderStats(stats: TweetStats; views: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="tweet-stats")): span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "comment", $stats.replies span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "retweet", $stats.retweets span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "thumbs-up", $stats.likes if views.len > 0: span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "play", views proc renderReply(tweet: Tweet): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="replying-to")): text "Replying to " for i, u in tweet.reply: if i > 0: text " " a(href=("/" & u)): text "@" & u proc renderReply(quote: Quote): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="replying-to")): text "Replying to " for i, u in quote.reply: if i > 0: text " " a(href=("/" & u)): text "@" & u proc renderQuoteMedia(quote: Quote): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="quote-media-container")): if quote.thumb.len > 0: tdiv(class="quote-media"): genImg(quote.thumb) if quote.badge.len > 0: tdiv(class="quote-badge"): tdiv(class="quote-badge-text"): text quote.badge elif quote.sensitive: tdiv(class="quote-sensitive"): icon "attention", class="quote-sensitive-icon" proc renderQuote(quote: Quote; prefs: Prefs): VNode = if not quote.available: return buildHtml(tdiv(class="quote unavailable")): tdiv(class="unavailable-quote"): if quote.tombstone.len > 0: text quote.tombstone else: text "This tweet is unavailable" buildHtml(tdiv(class="quote")): a(class="quote-link", href=getLink(quote)) if quote.thumb.len > 0 or quote.sensitive: renderQuoteMedia(quote) tdiv(class="fullname-and-username"): linkUser(quote.profile, class="fullname") linkUser(quote.profile, class="username") if quote.reply.len > 0: renderReply(quote) tdiv(class="quote-text"): verbatim linkifyText(quote.text, prefs) if quote.hasThread: a(class="show-thread", href=getLink(quote)): text "Show this thread" proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; prefs: Prefs; path: string; class=""; index=0; total=(-1); last=false): VNode = var divClass = class if index == total or last: divClass = "thread-last " & class if not tweet.available: return buildHtml(tdiv(class=divClass)): tdiv(class="timeline-item unavailable"): tdiv(class="unavailable-box"): if tweet.tombstone.len > 0: text tweet.tombstone else: text "This tweet is unavailable" buildHtml(tdiv(class=("timeline-item " & divClass))): tdiv(class="tweet-body"): var views = "" renderHeader(tweet) if index == 0 and tweet.reply.len > 0: renderReply(tweet) tdiv(class="tweet-content media-body"): verbatim linkifyText(tweet.text, prefs) if tweet.quote.isSome: renderQuote(tweet.quote.get(), prefs) if tweet.card.isSome: renderCard(tweet.card.get(), prefs, path) elif > 0: renderAlbum(tweet) elif renderVideo(, prefs, path) views = elif tweet.gif.isSome: renderGif(tweet.gif.get(), prefs) elif tweet.poll.isSome: renderPoll(tweet.poll.get()) if not prefs.hideTweetStats: renderStats(tweet.stats, views) if tweet.hasThread and "timeline" in class: a(class="show-thread", href=getLink(tweet)): text "Show this thread"