decoy-walrus 15e1ba1322
Hack in support for the new twitter video format (#381)
This change adds ".m4s" and ".mp4" to the regex that modifies m3u8 playlist files proxied from twitter, and adds ".m4s" to the list of extensions proxied through nitter. The net effect is the new video format that twitter is using now should be supported.
2021-05-08 18:05:31 +02:00

164 lines
5.0 KiB

import strutils, strformat, times, uri, tables, xmltree, htmlparser
import regex
import types, utils, query
ytRegex = re"([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)"
twRegex = re"(www\.|mobile\.)?twitter\.com"
igRegex = re"(www\.)?"
cards = ""
tco = ""
wwwRegex = re"https?://(www[0-9]?\.)?"
m3u8Regex = re"""url="(.+.m3u8)""""
manifestRegex = re"\/(.+(.ts|.m4s|.m3u8|.vmap|.mp4))"
userpicRegex = re"_(normal|bigger|mini|200x200|400x400)(\.[A-z]+)$"
extRegex = re"(\.[A-z]+)$"
illegalXmlRegex = re"[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]"
twitter = parseUri("")
proc getUrlPrefix*(cfg: Config): string =
if cfg.useHttps: "https://" & cfg.hostname
else: "http://" & cfg.hostname
proc stripHtml*(text: string): string =
var html = parseHtml(text)
for el in html.findAll("a"):
let link = el.attr("href")
if "http" in link:
if el.len == 0: continue
el[0].text = link
proc sanitizeXml*(text: string): string =
text.replace(illegalXmlRegex, "")
proc shortLink*(text: string; length=28): string =
result = text.replace(wwwRegex, "")
if result.len > length:
result = result[0 ..< length] & ""
proc replaceUrl*(url: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string =
result = url
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0:
result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube)
if prefs.replaceYouTube in result:
result = result.replace("/c/", "/")
if prefs.replaceInstagram.len > 0:
result = result.replace(igRegex, prefs.replaceInstagram)
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0:
result = result.replace(tco, "https://" & prefs.replaceTwitter & "/")
result = result.replace(cards, prefs.replaceTwitter & "/cards")
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
if absolute.len > 0:
result = result.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"" & absolute & "/")
proc getM3u8Url*(content: string): string =
var m: RegexMatch
if content.find(m3u8Regex, m):
result = content[[0]]
proc proxifyVideo*(manifest: string; proxy: bool): string =
proc cb(m: RegexMatch; s: string): string =
result = "" & s[[0]]
if proxy: result = getVidUrl(result)
result = manifest.replace(manifestRegex, cb)
proc getUserpic*(userpic: string; style=""): string =
let pic = userpic.replace(userpicRegex, "$2")
pic.replace(extRegex, style & "$1")
proc getUserpic*(profile: Profile; style=""): string =
getUserPic(profile.userpic, style)
proc getVideoEmbed*(cfg: Config; id: int64): string =
proc pageTitle*(profile: Profile): string =
&"{profile.fullname} (@{profile.username})"
proc pageTitle*(tweet: Tweet): string =
&"{pageTitle(tweet.profile)}: \"{stripHtml(tweet.text)}\""
proc pageDesc*(profile: Profile): string =
if > 0:
"The latest tweets from " & profile.fullname
proc getJoinDate*(profile: Profile): string =
profile.joinDate.format("'Joined' MMMM YYYY")
proc getJoinDateFull*(profile: Profile): string =
profile.joinDate.format("h:mm tt - d MMM YYYY")
proc getTime*(tweet: Tweet): string =
tweet.time.format("d/M/yyyy', 'HH:mm:ss")
proc getRfc822Time*(tweet: Tweet): string =
tweet.time.format("ddd', 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'")
proc getTweetTime*(tweet: Tweet): string =
tweet.time.format("h:mm tt' · 'MMM d', 'YYYY")
proc getShortTime*(tweet: Tweet): string =
let now = now()
var then = tweet.time.local()
then.utcOffset = 0
let since = now - then
if now.year != then.year:
result = tweet.time.format("d MMM yyyy")
elif since.inDays >= 1:
result = tweet.time.format("MMM d")
elif since.inHours >= 1:
result = $since.inHours & "h"
elif since.inMinutes >= 1:
result = $since.inMinutes & "m"
elif since.inSeconds > 1:
result = $since.inSeconds & "s"
result = "now"
proc getLink*(tweet: Tweet; focus=true): string =
if == 0: return
var username = tweet.profile.username
if username.len == 0:
username = "i"
result = &"/{username}/status/{}"
if focus: result &= "#m"
proc getTwitterLink*(path: string; params: Table[string, string]): string =
username = params.getOrDefault("name")
query = initQuery(params, username)
path = path
if "," in username:
query.fromUser = username.split(",")
path = "/search"
if "/search" notin path and query.fromUser.len < 2:
return $(twitter / path ? filterParams(params))
let p = {
"f": if query.kind == users: "user" else: "live",
"q": genQueryParam(query),
"src": "typed_query"
result = $(twitter / path ? p)
if username.len > 0:
result = result.replace("/" & username, "")
proc getLocation*(u: Profile | Tweet): (string, string) =
if "://" in u.location: return (u.location, "")
let loc = u.location.split(":")
let url = if loc.len > 1: "/search?q=place:" & loc[1] else: ""
(loc[0], url)
proc getSuspended*(username: string): string =
&"User \"{username}\" has been suspended"