const locales = [ 'en-US', 'es-ES', 'nl-NL', 'pt-PT', 'fa-IR', 'he-IL', 'ru-RU', 'ko-KR', 'cs-CZ', 'pl-PL', 'it-IT', 'fr-FR', 'uk-UA', 'de-DE', 'zh-Hans', 'ca-ES', 'fi-FI', 'tr-TR', 'vi-VN' ] const languages = [ 'English', 'Español', 'Nederlands', 'Português', 'فارسی', 'עִבְרִית', 'Русский', '한국어', 'Česky', 'Polski', 'Italia', 'Français', 'Українська', 'Deutsch', '中文(简体)', 'Català', 'Suomi', 'Türkçe', 'Tiếng Việt' ] export interface SettingsCheckbox { name: string selected: boolean type: 'checkbox' } export interface SettingsOptions { name: string options: string[] selected: string type: 'option' } export interface Settings { version: string settings: { audioOnly: SettingsCheckbox defaultQuality: SettingsOptions language: SettingsOptions chatVisible: SettingsCheckbox streamTagsVisible: SettingsCheckbox streamerAboutSectionVisible: SettingsCheckbox autoplay: SettingsCheckbox } } /** * Sets the language by locale * @param selectedLanguage language to set * @param i18n the i18n class in use */ export const setLanguage = (selectedLanguage: string, i18n: any) => { // Locales and languages in arrays to match them const locale = locales[languages.indexOf(selectedLanguage)] localStorage.setItem('language', locale) i18n.locale = locale } /** * Returns the default settings * @returns Settings */ export function getDefaultSettings(): Settings { return { version: import.meta.env.SAFETWITCH_TAG, settings: { audioOnly: { name: 'audioOnly', selected: false, type: 'checkbox' }, defaultQuality: { name: 'defaultQuality', options: ['160p', '360p', '480p', '720p', '1080p'], selected: '480p', type: 'option' }, language: { name: 'language', options: languages, selected: 'English', type: 'option' }, chatVisible: { name: 'chatVisible', selected: false, type: 'checkbox' }, streamTagsVisible: { name: 'streamTagsVisible', selected: true, type: 'checkbox' }, streamerAboutSectionVisible: { name: 'streamerAboutSectionVisible', selected: true, type: 'checkbox' }, autoplay: { name: 'autoplay', selected: false, type: 'checkbox' } } } } /** * Syncs older user setting to the latest version * @param settings Settings of the Settings type * @returns The synced settings and a boolean stating if the settings were modified */ export function syncUserSettings(settings: Settings): { settings: Settings; changed: boolean } { const defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings() let userSettings = settings // converting settings storage from versions older // than 2.4.1 let oldMigration = false if (userSettings.version === import.meta.env.SAFETWITCH_TAG) { console.log('Settings up to date!') return { settings: userSettings, changed: false } } else { console.log('Settings outdated... Migrating') // converts v2.4.1 to 241 const settingsVersion = Number( userSettings.version.slice(1, defaultSettings.version.length).split('.').join('') ) if (settingsVersion < 241) { oldMigration = true } } if (oldMigration) { const oldSettings: any = userSettings delete oldSettings.version const migrated: Settings = { version: defaultSettings.version, settings: { ...oldSettings } } userSettings = migrated } console.log(userSettings) const synced = { ...defaultSettings, ...userSettings } // update avaliable languages synced.settings.language.options = defaultSettings.settings.language.options synced.version = import.meta.env.SAFETWITCH_TAG localStorage.setItem('settings', JSON.stringify(synced)) console.log('Migrated!') return { settings: synced, changed: true } } /** * Gets a users' setting's value from the setting's key * @param key Setting key to get * @returns a boolean or string depending on setting type * @example * getSetting("audioOnly") // false */ export function getSetting(key: string): boolean | string { const storage = localStorage.getItem('settings') let parsed if (!storage) { parsed = getDefaultSettings() } else { parsed = JSON.parse(storage) } return parsed.settings[key].selected } export function getFollows(): string[] { const follows = localStorage.getItem('following') || '[]' const parsedFollows: string[] = JSON.parse(follows) return parsedFollows } /** * Gets the current theme * @returns the name of the current theme * @default string light */ export function getTheme(): string { const selectedTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme') || import.meta.env.SAFETWITCH_DEFAULT_THEME if (selectedTheme === '') { return 'light' } // Make sure theme exists const t = themeList.filter((theme) => === selectedTheme) if (t.length === 0) { console.error(`Theme ${selectedTheme} does not exist... Perhaps improperly setup instance defaults or improper config? Stored Theme: ${localStorage.getItem('theme')} Default Theme: ${import.meta.env.SAFETWITCH_DEFAULT_THEME} `) return 'light' } return selectedTheme } // every avaliable theme export const themeList = [ { // name your theme anything that could be a valid css class name // remember what you named your theme because you will use it as a class to enable the theme name: 'dark', // put any overrides your theme has here // just as if you were to extend tailwind's theme like normal extend: { colors: { primary: '#141515', secondary: '#1e1f1f', overlay0: '#282a2a', overlay1: '#323434', surface0: '#393B3B', surface1: '#3F4242', crust: '#0C0C0C', purple: '#D946EF', red: '#980C0C', neutral: '#bdbdbd', contrast: 'white' } } }, { // name your theme anything that could be a valid css class name // remember what you named your theme because you will use it as a class to enable the theme name: 'light', // put any overrides your theme has here // just as if you were to extend tailwind's theme like normal extend: { colors: { primary: '#ebeaea', secondary: '#e1e0e0', overlay0: '#d7d5d5', overlay1: '#cdcbcb', surface0: '#c6c4c4', surface1: '#c0bdbd', crust: '#fafafa', purple: '#D946EF', red: '#e81304', neutral: 'gray', contrast: 'black' } } } ]